
The Seminar starts on Thursday and ends on Saturday evening; it is divided into three Sessions:
- Education
- Practice
- Institutions.
Each Session has its own Rapporteur; Participants attend all the Sessions.
Each Session takes half a day and consists of three parts.
Part 1: plenary meeting; a speech is released by the Session Rapporteur;
Part 2: three distinct workshops, all of them dealing with the themes pointed out by the Session Rapporteur and considered from the point of view of ICT, Environmental Issues and Governance
The Participants are previously divided into well balanced groups (the members of the groups should change every Session, to enhance mutual acquaintance); every workshops is led by a Facilitator, already chosen (by the Scientific Committee) among the Participants.
After the workshops, a separate discussion takes place in which the Facilitators meet the Rapporteur in order to collect the results of the three workshops.
Part 3: all the Participants gather again in the same room; synthesis by the Rapporteur and final discussion.
The Participants are invited to technical tours organised by the Local Institutions and Agencies (Regione Liguria, Provincia di Genova, Porto Antico
s.p.a., Paco delle Cinqueterre); innovation in planning practices, environmental and urban rehabilitation, waterfront redevelopment are the general subjects of the tours.
On Sunday morning participants and their accompanying persons will have the opportunity to visit the Cinque Terre National Park (whole day excursion).

In connection with the Seminar, ISoCaRP and Aesop
hold their Executive Committee meetings